You may not have had much reason to switch your electric service away from a state-regulated utility in Pennsylvania up through the end of 2010. But residents in PA certainly have a good reason to switch now.

The expiration of electric utility rate caps at the end of 2010 marked significant forthcoming increases in the rates charged by those utilities as they adjusted to the absence of the caps. This has led to skyrocketing electric bills, where residents have seen their bills nearly double.

Commercial electricity customers in PA have reported increases of up to 125% on electric bills after the rate caps expired. Bear in mind this is all before we’ve even reached the summer months!

As of the second quarter of 2013, about 2.1 million Pennsylvanians have opted to take advantage of PA Electric Choice. We can offer a one-stop shopping, ‘apples to apples’ comparison of electric rates in your area. Click the “Shop Now” button near the top of the page to get started!