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Fort Hood is a major military post located in Killeen, Texas. In fact, the majority of the population for this city comes from the soldiers and other military personnel stationed there.

In addition to Fort Hood, there are several major centers for education including, Texas A&M University, Central Texas, Killeen Independent School District, and Central Texas College. All together, these education facilities employ more than 7,500 people.

Electricity for Killeen Homes and Businesses

The military post and education system both help to support Killeen’s economy. Both industries require a lot of energy to keep things running smoothly. The good news is Killeen is one of the energy deregulated cities within the state. This means that both home and business energy consumers have the option to select their energy provider.

An energy provider is a company that offers supply related services at competitive rates. Instead of relying on one or two utilities to provide all services, energy consumers gain more control over who provides their electricity.

Fort Hood Electricity

This military post is one of the largest in Texas, supporting almost 50,000 people in Killeen. In order to support so many people and energy consumers, the fort has committed to a renewable energy project. This project is one of the largest ever undertaken by the United States Army. It involves the implementation of both solar and wind powered systems. Together, through the combined wind and solar power, the sites will generate approximately 65 megawatts of power.

Overall, the contract will help the military to reduce the amount they spend on electricity per year.