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Laredo, Texas is one of the few cities in America that has flown more than one flag during its long and unique history. In total, Laredo has flown 7 flags including, the Flag of the Republic of the Rio Grande, and the six flags of Texas. Each flag has an important link to the seven countries that claimed ownership of the land at one point or another. These countries include: France, Spain, Mexico, Republic of the Rio Grande, Texas, Confederacy and the United States of America.

Today, Laredo is a community with a lively entertainment and festival scene, and fantastic opportunities for shopping. Located right near the boarder between Mexico and the U.S, this city also holds the record for one of the nation’s oldest crossing points.

Laredo Electricity Providers

Energy deregulation took affect in Texas in 2002. It is a law that required utilities to give up control over the supply of energy to homes and businesses. It gave Retail Electric Providers (REPs) the chance to take advantage of the open market, and offer their energy services. Since there are now so many REP options, it also means that residents of Laredo can benefit from lower energy costs, and choose a REP with plans and rates that satisfy specific needs.

The following is a list that contains some of the REPs available in Laredo:

  • 4Change Energy
  • Amigo Energy
  • Breeze Energy
  • Discount Power
  • Gexa Energy
  • Green Mountain Energy
  • Hino Electric
  • Infinite Energy
  • Infuse Energy
  • Pennywise Power
  • Power Express
  • Spark Energy
  • StarTex Power
  • Tara Energy
  • Texans Energy

Laredo?s Energy Industry

Laredo is home to some of the world?s largest suppliers including, Schlumberger. The city is also near several major oil and gas development and research companies as well as the Eagle Ford Shale.

Other Major Industries in Laredo

Trade ? More than 36% of Mexico?s international trade passes through Laredo. In 2013 alone, there were over 3.5 million truck and and over 530,000 rail crossings.  Items transported include: auto parts, electronics, foodstuffs, and finished goods. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) also ensures that trade will continue to boost Laredo?s economy for years to come.

The city?s economy also supports the following industries:

  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Agriculture

Quick Laredo Stats

There is more to Laredo than trade and energy deregulation. Here is a brief overview of some demographics:

Total Population: 267,800
Land Area: 233.1 Kilometers Squared
Total Number of Households (2015): 63,545
Median Household Income: $41,144
Median Age: 28
Job Growth (in 2014): 2.2%
Cost of Living: 6.7% (below national average)

Did you know?

Even though Laredo has a smaller population than many other cities in the United States, it has some pretty interesting facts. For example:

  • It was the capital of its own country from January 1980 until late fall. The Republic of the Rio Grand Museum used to be the capital building.
  • There are many songs about Laredo, the most famous being Streets of Laredo.
  • Hundreds of thousands of tourists attend Washington?s Birthday Celebration, which is held during the entire month of February.

Laredo Major Utilities

Although customers have the power to choose their REP, utilities are still responsible for delivering energy to local homes and businesses. Utilities in Laredeo include:

TXU Energy ? 1-866-585-4898

Emergency situations are rarely (if ever) handled by an REP. Utilities are responsible for any energy related emergency.