Home Accessories to Lower Costs

When it comes to lowering your monthly electricity costs, one of the best things that you can do a property owner, is to shop for plan that comes with a low kWh rate. However, there are additional steps that you can take to improve your home?s energy efficiency even more.

Thanks to advancements in technology, there are now several home accessories that you can add to your home that will actually help your property conserve energy. Here the top five accessories to consider for your home.

Conserve Sockets

Conserve sockets area great addition to the home for those who want to monitor energy usage. Not only do these sockets tend to use less energy to power the appliances they are connected to, but they let you monitor an outlet from anywhere inside or outside the home.

These sockets plug directly into an existing electrical outlet, and you can use a smart phone or tablet to turn the switch on or off, meaning no more wasted energy when you leave certain devices or lights plugged in and on. Several companies, such as Belkin have these switches that let you control the switch from a portable device, or monitor device usage.

Dimmer Switches

Dimmer switches are such a simple addition to any home, but they truly are a powerful way to control your energy consumption. Dimming the lights even slightly can lead to great savings, and now there are even more advanced dimmers that let you know when you are saving on your energy use.

Other dimmers come with sensors that will turn off on their own when there is no motion in a room after a certain period of time.

Programmable Thermostats

While programmable thermostats are nothing new to most property owners, they are a very important tech accessory to remember. Programming your thermostat to turn down or off when you sleep or leave the home, is one of the best ways to save on energy. Plus, with more advanced thermostats, you can automate even more times of the day, so that you are only using your heat or AC when you absolutely need to.

Home Energy Monitors

Home energy monitors are little devices you can stick anywhere in your home, or on any device, wire or outlet that you want to check. These monitors will tell you how much a specific device is using so that you can make any of the necessary changes you need to lower your costs. These devices are small, budget friendly and easy to move throughout the home, allowing you to have the clearest picture possible of where all your energy is going.

Solar Home Chargers

Personal home solar charges allow people to harness the power of the sun, without having to invest in solar panels. These small and portable solar chargers can sit in the sun, hold and keep energy and be used to power phones, laptops and other tech accessories. If used frequently, they can lead to dramatic savings throughout the home.

While some of these chargers are more advanced than others, these solar chargers are typically able to provide about 45 minutes of electronic charge from one hour of direct sunlight.

With simple accessories such as this throughout your property, you can start seeing some serious savings on your monthly energy costs. Consider these add-ons and start seeing the difference almost immediately in your bills.